One of America's great bands and a Prof favorite, Cincinatti's Wussy have come through again with their third fine album. The Prof was dismayed that toiling in the groves of academe would prevent him from seeing them in Brooklyn with TG the TA, but lo! their website informed him they'd be setting up for free practically in his backyard. More details to come in an expanded version of this post. Meanwhile, here are the facts, ma'am.
Set List:
Little Paper Birds
Gone Missing
Death by Misadventure
Muscle Cars
Funeral Dress
Funeral Dress (2006)
Left for Dead (2007)
Cure for Rigor Mortis (EP) (2008)
Wussy (2009)
All on Shake It Records. I recommend you go to the Shake It Records site to purchase the band's CDs. Call them up and they'll cheerfully ship you product at the lowest cost in very quickly. If you want the whole catologue for even cheaper (and I highly recommend that), you can get the first two CD's bundled together (click here) and the EP and the latest CD (click here).
Philadelphia City Paper's blurb.
Ken Tucker on NPR 6/21.
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